Your subject says Dalit have not benifited. But when I read this column I didnt find anywhere that relates to your subject. Second, I myself is an expample( not sure good or bad) of a person helped by reservation. I completed my Diploma in Mechanical engineering, B.E in Mechanican Engineering, M.Tech from IITB in Design Engineering and currently working in Michigan US for a fortune 500 Automotive company. If requreid I can present you hundered more expamples like me.
Yes, I agree that Dr. Ambedkar had reserved seats for 10 years. But how could you possible eradict a social worm called caste if there is no mechanism to implement the constitution in right manner. Why people still need reservation becuase the ruling class is still unfair in implementing the constitution which was written 50 years back.
I wish Dr. Ambedkar hadnt left us in 56. If he was alive even 10 more years, we would have seen different India. A buddhist India without any classes and castes.
RE:Dalits have not benifited.
by amit on Jun 15, 2006 12:43 AM Permalink
are you mentally retarded, why do you need reservation, are you not able to compete with people in general class, there is no law that says, if you are from backward class you cannot get admission, since all 100 percent seats are reserved for higher caste. if you are good enough to compete you dont need reservation, the fact that you used reservation to get admission shows you are incompetent , unable to get admission on our own, working in fortune 500 company makes no difference, if you cannot understand what i wrote
i agree on your point that there are many examples of people who have been helped by the reservation system. one of them before us is you. before i put forward my opinion, let me first clarify that i m not against reservation per se. it is the way the reservation is being treated in India which causes me a great deal of pain. now that u r doing great means that ur childern dont need any special treatment for them to be given equal oppertunity. but the policy in India cant stop u from availing reservation. If the doctors r fighting against this, what wrong r they doing?
i will tell u a real life account of two students who did all their schooling together. 'A' was the topper of the class who used to get depressed if he got less than 90%. and 'B' was just average student. both their fathers worked in same govt. organisation and on similar posts. they appeared in screening for IIT together. 'A' was unable to get through. but 'B', inspite of having got lesser score than 'A' got through because he belonged to a "socially backward class". my question is that how can two people with same background be treated differently.
RE:Dalits have not benifited.
by gca on Jun 15, 2006 11:26 AM Permalink
many wellwishers of india are dreaming, majority of indians-open minded,not to differentiate people according to their caste and religion.but it takes infinite time to see such a change in our country!!!!!
RE:Dalits have not benifited.
by sachin panemangalore on Jun 15, 2006 12:23 PM Permalink
Sir, You said you have completed MS from an american university, did they have reservation over there for you? Isnt it unfair, that even though you are intelligent and able, you still want reservation? Its pathetic, you call yourself buddhist and backward caste in the same breath, I havent seen anywhere in the Dhamapada a mention of caste?
The problem is not confined to religion, the caste system is a social evil.
Instead of removing cast-system from the system and your psyche, you are being pulled into the same rut. The problem of caste system might be rampant in the rural north- lack of education being the primary and only reason, I dont think however we have the same problem in the urban places. Being born and bought up in Mumbai, the edges in language , colour , race , caste were never there in my psyche, its only when , during college admissions people from my school (wearing the same uniform as me till all this years) stand in a different line, that is when the difference comes to sight. somwhere down the line I think...we need to grow up a bit.
RE:Dalits have not benifited.
by Kaushik Das on Jun 14, 2006 10:31 PM Permalink
And what about the more qualified person whose seat you took? If you took reservations at every nook and corner, not only is the blood of so many people you replaced on your head but also you have slapped the professors who taught you. In spite of their teaching, you had to take reservations again. Shame on you.
RE:Dalits have not benifited.
by mahesh on Jun 18, 2006 06:39 PM Permalink
This ref to the reply send by Kaushik das. Mr. intelligent before talkng of meritocracy first find yourself answer to the following Qs. What is the criterion when getting married( it is caste not merit). If somebody go against the caste system what happens( ceratainly they are killed by so called merit hypocrats)Go and see this happening in western UP. What is basis of management qouta( certainly money not merit) What is criterion for riding morning BUS to city.( certainly not the merit) Go and see in Bihar. What is criterion for appointing a pundit to village temple(for uper caste).Certainly not merit.It is caste.
What is basis of reservation in AIIMS pg courses( certainly not merit). When you need to perform
RE:Dalits have not benifited.
by Satyanand on Jun 15, 2006 12:36 AM Permalink
Reply to last comment:
How can you call India as BUDDHIST INDIA...INDIA is Just India its neither Buddhist, not muslims nor Hindu. Every one are equal and no one has right to say that India belongs only to them and no one else. If you don't have respect don't open your mouth.