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Dalit have not benefited
by Surednra Borkar on Jun 14, 2006 11:28 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

I have read the artcle on the subject and I have concluded that the writer is not aware with the recruitment and service class people in contry belongs to backward class. For instance recent IAS reasult more than 400 candidates have been recruited from OBC , SC and ST. It means it is happening since many years in India. There are many top officers belonging to these community. During the emergency all most all state govts. and central governments depts. have filled the backlog of reservations. Thus most of the educated people from these communities have been benifited. Noe the positions is that these community students are making tough competitions to high class candidates, which has been established from the many results of IAS and State PSC results. In artcle it is concluded that backwards calss have not benifited from reservation policy which is incorrect conclusion. Further, the history said that the reservations was started during the period of small kingdom, for instance Maharaja Shahu Maharaja started reservation even before present reservations. During the Lord Buddha period above preference treatment has been fond in some acient books available at Eden in Arabi.

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  RE:Dalit have not benefited
by Mehta Manoj on Jun 15, 2006 06:08 PM   Permalink
Dear Mr,Borkar,

Can you tell me how many of these IAS or IPS has stopped taking benifits of reservation after their success in the life?. Are they still not seeking admission for their sons & daughter under quota?

It is really sad that a son of a well setteled IAS officers( Reserved category) gets the admission with 50% marks & a very bright student with 90% MarkS from poor uppper cast can not get thro the admission.

Pls understand the issues correctly.

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Quota: Dalits have not benefited