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moral policing a hypocrisy
by soumik on Apr 20, 2006 06:19 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Its true that one has to draw a line somewhere saying that beyond this anything is indecent. But a kiss can't cetainly be that line. If one is parting with his beloved, say in a railway station, a kiss is something which comes very naturally. They can't go about searching for a place where there won't be anyone. I frankly don't think the law makers have to be told of all these things. They know very well what is permissible. Its been a story for sometime now that a section of the society (some people who unfortunately are in authority) are bent upon forcing their own opinion on others. They need to be told quite strongly that they have to take a consensus before making any rule that deals with common people.

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  RE:moral policing a hypocrisy
by ABC on Apr 20, 2006 07:20 PM   Permalink
You know, hypocrisy is a word not to be used in such places. What's wrong with "moral policing"? Is there anything wrong with the term "moral policing"? Does it sound as bad as "immoral conduct"? Then, why do you need to raise such a hue and cry over this saying hypocrisy? Tell me something, what BAD is going to happen because of this moral policing. If you want, I can tell you what GOOD is going to happen coz of htat but I think you'd be intelligent enough to understand that yourselves. "hypocrisy" is nowa days the words used by kids of the age 18-25, who are not working, who try to enjoy their life to the fullest (nothing bad in that..), and try to follow the west (nothing wrong in htat either. but take only the good things. I dont see anything good taken by kids from their counterparts in the west!). They need something to show off their liberal mind (which they dont have regarding the subject under discussion wehn it comes to their family.). So they use the words "hypocrisy", 21st century kids, Generation next...etc.etc. basically, these are kids with no brains and no concern about the society or the next generation. I'm sorry, i;m not talking about you. Jst makin a general stm

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  RE:moral policing a hypocrisy
by Shahid on Apr 21, 2006 12:11 PM   Permalink
if u think that we are very well back here then why dont u come back instead of living abroad.

Its always easier to preach.

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  RE:moral policing a hypocrisy
by Krishnan on Apr 21, 2006 12:46 PM   Permalink
Yeah, they can amend the law to allow kissing in railway station , airports :d

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss