First of all i welcome the decision taken by the government regarding Giving Kiss in Public places this kind of policies should come to avoid mind set our young generation at the same time i am not opposing the thing but those should be confidential in other words it should stimulate the young generation.
RE:Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss
by MUST KISS on Apr 20, 2006 11:36 PM Permalink
How is kissing your son, daughter, brother, sister, father or mother different than kissing your spouse or any other person you love?
If a kiss connotes love and affection then kissing between any partner should be banned. The Indian psyche is always bent on stereotyping any display of personal affection. Kissing equates dirty horny sexual thoughts - right? much like two men holding hands in publich pretty much means they are gay (at least in US). This I belive stems from the fact that in India 'sex' is a dirty word and should only be engaged in, to procreate and never to re-receate. However many of the geniuses we know today in science and arts had a pretty good sex life (not considering Gandhi though). So the dutiful "sons" of the "Father" (hermaphrodite?) of the nation would rather not impose strict control on female fetocide (and I mean in the villages and not one publicised story about a doctor doing ultrasonography in a big city), promote education among young under-privilaged girls, stop random rape in the heart of the capital but identify kissing to be a major drag in the nations progress.
Frankly to kiss or not to kiss has no bearing if or not we will be able to
RE:Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss
by Shridhar on Apr 22, 2006 07:06 PM Permalink
You don't get to kiss much do you mate? If you meet some hot woman on the road who wants to kiss you, I would like to see your morality then...
RE:Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss
by varunan on Apr 21, 2006 11:39 AM Permalink
Indian culture ???? You always wear Dhoti and cotton shirts....????? do you use indian made paroducts as part of swadeshi ??? or you work in an Pure indian company.... Its so funny... people want to travel in Foreign cars, to use foregin perfumes, clothes, drinks, electronic gadgets but they would consider themselves as protecting indian culture ...... its a great joke buddy..... Indian culture should be in hearts. In this westernised world we have to accept ceratin things.....