I don't understand the rational behind it to take this kind of initiative at the national level. Yes, I can understand that Govt. should take necesaary actions to protect our identity and culture. But according to me, this a very poor step in order to protect our culture considering the release of some uncensured film like Murder, or relaese of the adverstisement which helps revealing the innerest part of a woman, etc. This seems to me a perfect example of double standards. To me, kissing in a public place to your Boy Friend / Girl Friend or Husband / Wife is less offensive than the things I mentioned earlier.
And kissing is an exercise, which can be seen as sexual exercise as well as the way to expression your affection or closeness to your near and dear ones. I think, if it's a public place, the people won't involve themselves in a kiss which can be seen by others as nothing but sexual exercise. It's just the question of a good education!!! But by this law, we should not abstain people from expressing the lovely feelings to their near and dear ones. I really don't vote for this idea.
Govt. should concentrate on some other major issues to protect our heritage.