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To kiss or not to kiss
by Prakash on Apr 20, 2006 06:12 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

500 Rs is too less.....It should be so high that people dare not kiss is public seeing the penalty....

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  RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by Aadil on Apr 20, 2006 08:21 PM   Permalink
Good words! Totally with you on this.

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  RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by Srinivas on Apr 21, 2006 02:14 PM   Permalink
good ideas buddy.... i am also in favour of ur ideas....the govt. and police should concentrate on major issues rather than such trivial ones.

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  RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by Aziz Khan on Apr 21, 2006 12:55 PM   Permalink
Dear Ayesha,

Whatsoever, the decision is been taken by the govt officials are simply meant to harass the people and give a weapon to the Officials to misues it.

I Would like to narrate an incident happened with me at a park with my ex-girl friend ( currently my wife).

I was sitting in JIjamata Park ( Rani Baug, Mumbai) and busy with discussions for future plans, immediately a guard appreared and asked us to move towards their their office and told SAAB ne Bulaya hai.

It was very surprising and disgusting to us and later he started mis-behaving and using abusive words.

Later after reaching the Guards office, their Chief started using bad words without even knowing what has happened and started asking for Our Telephone numbers to call our parents, but later after sometime he calmed down and asked for Rs. 500/- as a fine for misbehaving at public place. Where as no act of such kind has happened.

But at Compromise, he setteled the matter for Rs.200/-

This is what happened to me at a park, but if govt. is giving such kind of Weapons, so AGAIN it will be a misuse of it.

If, Govt treasuries are over,then it start begging instead of fining.

A Frustrated Indian.

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss