Dis is ridiculous. . ."Ha Ha Ha". Administration wanna apply 1936 Law in 2006 WOW!!! More dan enough is being shown in fashion shows $ in high class parties. A Model who wear just a 2-piece in an International Show, She is given so much respect & honour for showing off herself. .!!!
Indian Males used to do "Pee & Poo" in open public areas, Lots of Police men used to tease girls by cheap words and actions, no action against them. Only thing, Administration can do to protect our culture is, first make such laws & apply on students or on lower or middle class ppl and then beat them. Seems this is the only way to tell world about ourselves. . .These things used to hpn and will continue to hpn in upper high class Malls, Hotels and Parties etc. . . No one will stop them Coz they r EDUCATED & 21 Century ppl. . .