we have a rotten set of politician good for nothing. they are manily interested in making money and cheap publicity. if these type politicians sit in the parliament and legislate assembly and legislate law for us, you can not expect anything else.
RE:to kiss or not to kiss
by Shub on Apr 20, 2006 11:59 PM Permalink
Even if the fines are 500 it can still be settled with 50 Rs. But my take on this issue, kissing in public is not as bad as what comes on TV in so called remix albums. will there be any ban on those? On a lighter note, I think that government might come up with a reservation for kissing too, like reservation seats in IITs and IIMS. :)
RE:to kiss or not to kiss
by Srinand on Apr 21, 2006 09:55 AM Permalink
If good people like u are sitting here and commenting on bad people on Rediff, who else can you expect to go to assembly / parliament ?