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to kiss or not to kiss
by Anuradha on Apr 20, 2006 04:35 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I think Kissing in public is not an offence. What I mean is giving a little kiss is fine, but smooching is a strict no!! Don't husbands give a peppy kiss to their wives. what's wrong with that!! I think in a country like India, even if a girl is with a boy on a bike, or even sitting at some public place, it will grab attention of the people. The authorities should describe what type of kiss do they want to fine! the kiss could be a friendly one or a brotherly one. The rules should be more appropriately elaborated. Ya I fully agree that in parks, Kissing should be prohibited coz people of all ages go there. But as in a recent incident we saw that police harrassing couples sitting in a park, I think the rules should be checked.

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  RE:to kiss or not to kiss
by vivek chand on Apr 21, 2006 01:13 PM   Permalink
Hi Anuradha,

I think u are right. but u are talk in both the side,

first you decide what you want to say. bcoz the matter is to say about love couple what they do wrong in the public place, and i think you forget its india, the cultural one, by which every country inspird to take about our cultural environment.

plz decide you and then reply me is must.


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