Personally I don't find any harm in public kissing but we should not blindly follow to everything which WEST gives us. We should always give a thought "Will I be able to do this in front of my parents or children". If your answer is yes go ahead........
RE:to kiss or not
by soheb mohiuddin on Apr 22, 2006 04:40 PM Permalink
fine its good i hope if we make free india to make sex on road and no punishment for rape do you think crime will decrease or will increase there is surely a need for this type of imposition and its nice thats its high
RE:to kiss or not
by balaji krishnamurthy on Apr 20, 2006 10:09 PM Permalink
I feel that indians should be repressed more since we are a pathetic culture. i think there should be whiplashes for kissing and holding hands in public. and men looking at women should have their eyes gouged. Since we are such a pathetic culture where people have no idea of what real freedom is , we should be repressed more beat the indians up.