i am against this 500 bucks fine for kissing in public place bcos it is a very common thing today,for couples to kiss and what if they are married,does government consider married couples in this also?shame on u people who have done this.
RE:my say
by shakti on Apr 24, 2006 02:36 PM Permalink
hey gentleman.....let me know 1 thing....how many bollywood movies have u watched and how many kissing scenes in public did u revolt against?.....kissing is about choice and u would do the same thing if u got a chance.....u people just make a heap out of such small issues and encourage the already mad police in doing such stupidity....police has forgotten its main aim.....what about eve teasing?....is there fine for that....and as yashasvi said if u cant do it at home, not outside, not in secluded areas as u yourself feel like a thief even though u r not doing anything wrong then where?
RE:my say
by sg on Apr 20, 2006 11:37 PM Permalink
so the US or europeans are not mature citizens as per your logic. wondering how a kiss can make some1 immature?
RE:my say
by bindhya on Apr 21, 2006 12:56 PM Permalink
hey vaibhav,
i totally agree with u.... a 500 rs fine for kissing is going too far... quite an irony coming from the land where where kamasutra originated...
i'd rather that antisocial and immoral places like dance bars where women are being made objects of pleasure are banned... its really sickening to hear married men frequenting such places where the girls would be as young their own daughters, not to forget young men who satisfy their lustful desires in this manner...
if the indian govt can bring a crackdown on such immoral places, then it would be a huge step in bringing about a sense of morality & decency in people. and these girls who would otherwise ruin their lives dancing to the tunes of pimps, can lead their lives in dignity doing some respectable jobs and make a mark for themselves in society.
so please there are bigger problems here that need to be eradicated in society, than stop people from kissing.