In public, people should be encouraged to restrain their emotions. Kissing your wife or girl friend in public merely apes the western practice, and is against our culture and traditions.
Moral standards should be enforced otherwise it will set a wrong ideal for our children. Societies which had indulged in similar orgies of lovemaking have perished.
If our children are to develop healthy attitude towards genuine love, its expression in public, which is vulgar, should be strictly prohibited.
RE:kissing in public
by Tushar Malhotra on Apr 22, 2006 11:29 AM Permalink
Why can't we indians stop being hypocrites?? And by the way can you tell me which society has perished for the reasons as you mentioned? Thousands of years ago, the walls of our temples were painted and inscribed with the positions of Kamasutra. That way even our Gods are vulgar isn't it??
RE:kissing in public
by anirudh on Apr 20, 2006 08:12 PM Permalink
genuine love has no restraints.. its only how we see it. If we see love as dirty and obscene, we are wrong.
RE:kissing in public
by smack on Apr 21, 2006 02:35 AM Permalink
a) how is kissing in public a sexual orgy? b) exactly which cultures have taken part in sexual orgies and perished? You're entitled to your opinion of course...but doesn't mean you can make up shit to support your argument.