RE:about kissing
by Raju on Apr 21, 2006 01:04 AM Permalink
How about urinating, seems to be done all the time by cows, dogs and men on the streets of Delhi and every other city in India. Does this mean only women are human beings?
RE:about kissing
by sandeep on Apr 21, 2006 09:35 PM Permalink
If only people knew better ways of utilizing their time and energy we would have been living in a much better India. I would request the government to stop embarrasing us by making such laws. Please dont prove to the world how stupid we Indians can be. Instead use your energy to make strict laws for people who commit more henious crimes like rape.
RE:about kissing
by joseph raju on Apr 22, 2006 12:10 PM Permalink
It is fine and I thanks to Government for kissing in public place, i agree but as per Indian Culture it is very shame to us.infact, everybody feels it likes a vulgur thing.Govt. should take the action where in the films and cannot be effected unless there is totally crackdown on cinemas provoking such feelings amongst youngsters/Childrens.
RE:about kissing
by soheb mohiuddin on Apr 22, 2006 04:43 PM Permalink
oh i like your comment its realistic and sounds true i hope all reading this could understand this big different which is of great importance
RE:about kissing
by Vinny on Apr 21, 2006 02:36 PM Permalink
Hi Vaibhav, firstly the fine amount is not exactly Rs.500/-. Secondly, the married couples also fall under this rule because marriage does not give you the right to be obscene, rather with marriage comes the resposibility and maturity to Know the difference between the things and actions which should be done publicly and the ones which shouldn't.
RE:about kissing
by serialkisser on Apr 21, 2006 01:02 PM Permalink
man is a social animal...i dont see why people cant hug and kiss..govt has no right to curtail peoples emotion..u cant kiss in public but u can piss in public like animals...good joke
RE:about kissing
by sg on Apr 20, 2006 11:33 PM Permalink
then i hope u will not ever visit any european country or US etc as u wont find those ppl human.
RE:about kissing
by Vinny on Apr 21, 2006 02:37 PM Permalink
Hats Off to Your message Mr Pradhan. That was the most sensible and the best msg byfar on this notice board.