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Moral Policing
by Ayesha on Apr 20, 2006 06:10 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I just think the police n especially the politicians of our country have absolutely no work aside from pusuing and chasing these trivial issues.

Why cant these same bumch of people fine and jail people who commit female infanticide or burn their daughters in law to death for dowry???? Why cant they make such a hue and cry about the killers and rapists in our country getting bail so easily and roaming scotfree???? why cant they do anything about the growing number of child labour and why cant they not channel and utilize their energies for promoting free education in India. Why cant these same people not do anything for the farmers of our country who are forced to comit suicide???

There are more important issues to deal with and focus on rather than chasing and wasting public time and money on such trivialities.


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  to kiss or not to kiss
by Sivaram on Apr 21, 2006 04:46 PM   Permalink
very well said!

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  RE:Moral Policing
by Debashri on Apr 22, 2006 06:10 AM   Permalink
I totally agree with you Ayesha. These people have nothing better to do. Always interfering in others; lives when it is not necessary and turning the other way when their intervention is needed.
Even today, dowry system, female infanticide and subjugation of women at all levels is presominant. But no one speaks about it. It is easier that way for people, right?

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  RE:Moral Policing
by Suresh on Apr 21, 2006 12:20 PM   Permalink
Rightly said ayesha.

Great comment.

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