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Moral Policing
by Ajay on Apr 20, 2006 06:37 PM   Permalink

I must say I completey agree with the authors point of view that the moral police have gone a step too far this time. This law is just a blatant manifestation of the hypocrisy that surrounds our society. we are truly a free country and any restriction should be placed keeping in mind the public morals. But this aspect has to be looked into with a pragmatic approach.

It is absolutely justified to have laws that impose fines and punishments for indecent exposure, behavior and offending the sentiments of people. But a kiss is a harmless expression of feelings by 2 individuals who feel strongly about each other. The Delhi authorities have proclaimed themselves to be the preservers of a hollow cause by deciding to fine couples who kiss in public. I am sure they have more pressing matters to attend to rather than scavenge for harmless couples getting slightly intimate. The only purpose such a law would serve is provide scouting cops another excuse to squeeze money out of civilians. Lastly for those whose history is a tad hazy; the famous French kiss originated not in France but in the very heartland of India from where it was imbibed by the Romans and spread from thereon. cheers.

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