Moral(adj): sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment The bottomline is - what is moral cannot be policed. There is no scope for moral policing in a civil, advanced society. Unfortunately, even while our country is growing in every sphere and becoming strong economically, it is also turning increasingly fundamentalist. This is the only thing that can stop India's meteoric rise. A few people are trying to drag us backwards and trying to turn our society into a restrictive and fundamentalist one. And all this is done in name of culture and values. Can we ask....whose values? whose culture? The entire country cannot be driven by the whims and fancies of a few self-styled culture guardians. Once you start imposing morals and values, they are no longer morals and values. They are bondages imposed to check your freedom of thought and expression. Every society changes with time. You can't coerce a society into conducting itself in a particular way. Even if you somehow succeed in doing it, you will only end up with a subdued, backward, and frustrated mass of people that you call society. Hail Culture!