I think this is taking morality a bit too far, the so called moral police are actually telling us how to lead our lives and i thought that we live in a Democratic country. I am in London currently and i dont think that showing affection in public places seems to have any adverse affects on the common people. Hope these people concentrate on more important issues rather than creating silly rules to trouble the common people
RE:Moral Police going too far
by sahil on Apr 21, 2006 12:53 PM Permalink
as if they carry 5000 bucks in thier pocket! c'mon, apply ur brains, if they had 500, wudnt they go to some pub for a nice time n privacy? its a very very stupid law, making way for local policemen to pool in some more money for their home.
RE:Moral Police going too far
by adity on Apr 21, 2006 05:15 AM Permalink
Conservativeness is good but not to this extent Mr. I understand you have a orthodox stand point but I guess you should be reminded of the fact that we are living in a democratic country!