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Let kissin be damned
by Francis on Apr 21, 2006 12:12 PM   Permalink

I really like the inventiveness and strategy of our governments. They really know how to keep themselves busy (of course alluding real issues) and also keep the administrative and executive machinery well oiled (palm greasing...)
This new thing is an inventive way of helping the poor cop who's overworked to make a few bucks off the smooch. And while doing it, minding somebody else's business and not the real things like nabbing pickpockets and trouble makers. I am certainly not of the desire that lip locking happen in public but rather than fritter away scarce time and energy of our so called worthy public servants in frivolousness; and of course providing another handle to frighten the poor two some into shedding some load off their wallets, the government would do well in engaging in things that concern governing and that would mean keeping off these stupid things.

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss