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by ramgopal krishna on Apr 21, 2006 08:36 PM   Permalink

Kissing on the lip is an erotic act, and should not be allowed in public,in India and for Indians. The westerners have already lost the whole romance in kissing, and indeed in almost everything else, because of their promiscuous ways and culture. By such a forced restraint, our people/youngsters etc. may be able to retrieve some of the glorious romance and deep meaning in such acts. With freely available blue films and the onslaught of western movies, it really seems a losing battle, but all is still not lost. Here again, if self-discipline is not practised, then law/rules could be made AND ENFORCED STRICTLY. After all, any lover-couples having reached that assured state of mutual consent, should not object to avoid public kissing, public necking, and public sex.

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss