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Kiss Kiss Smooch Smooch
by Anirban on Apr 20, 2006 07:08 PM   Permalink

This policy is totally uncalled for in terms of legislation and enforcement.While Article 19(1(a) of the Constitution guarantees us the Freedom of Speech and Expression, Article 19(2) imposes certain conditions and limitations on it including indecency and immorality.However,indecency and immorality has to be decided in the zeitgeist-the spirit of the times.
Every culture EVOLVES,it is never stagnant.Who can judge evolution? Resistance to change is inborn in every person;there is a tendency to hold on to the familiar.But tell me, where is KISSING against Indian culture? How do we know it is against? Who told us? The Elizabethan ideology? Is this Indian culture something mindless handed down the generations? Why can't we kiss in public? We must if we want to.
Having said that,I must also concede it can be embarrassing at times to people around & at best a sense of social sanction may prevail to curtail the time and place for kissing.I have the right to kiss my parents at a farewell,my girlfriend/wife at a greeting and my children to show them affection; kissing is an expression of love and to deny that would be denying the Right to Life as per Article 21.So people,keep on kissing

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