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KUDOS to Indian Police !!
by Harish on Apr 20, 2006 06:26 PM   Permalink

Wow Our Police is doing a great job....

Fining couples for kissing in public places !! This is

definitely the need of the hour !!

Forget levying fines and swift action for:

1. Spitting in public

2. Urinating in public (& the number 2)

3. Allowing one's pet dogs to shit in public places (In

the USA the owner of the pet has to remove the shit of

the pet)

4. Using vehicles of faulty silencers giving

unbearable noise pollution

5. Polluting the river

6. Cutting trees

7. Digging roads and leaving it without filling

8. Smoking in public

9. Littering in public places

10.Bribing government officials

11.Rash Driving

12.Jay walking

13.Eve Teasing

14.Honking unnecessarily

15.Breaking Traffic Rules in signals

16.And the list goes on and on and on...but fortunately

for India (and the idiotic politicians) I have some

work to do now so unable to get all the crap out

Someone gets more of these things it will be great !

Indian police sure seem determined to make India a

lifeless dustbin.

Keep it up Indian Police, U will soon receive the "Taliban-Awards for Best Rules". Osama is sure clapping at this wonderful rule.

I am confident u are going to snatch the award before

Pakistan does.

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