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by Shahid Kazi on Apr 21, 2006 12:23 AM   Permalink

What next ?? holding hands ?? talking to opposite sex or staying closer than 2 metres to ur partner in public.. utter nonsense.. in a country which is already too over crowded, where the hell is the space ??? if u have any problems dont look or stop visiting places where u see such people.. and if u have the thought in ur mind as to why should i stay away ... the couples too have to rightfully ask why should we ???? isnt it hypocratic of the culture to reate the ultimate book of love and then curtail the best emotion of love... its just that people here are afraid to let go of the past and live in the shadows of the toughts of the old rather than open their minds and accept reality of moving on with times.. rs 500 ?? nothing but production of mind who is too scared to think for themselves and stick to the thoughts of the old.. its absurd who would want to get stuck in the past... plainly absurd

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