With 4-6 hour powe cuts and likely requirement of more power for ganga-kaveri link/ industries in future, why make so much fuss on nuclea deal? No body is opposing reneuable energy resources or hydropower generation or thermal power generation or indegeneous nuclear power generation. our nuclear power technology needs updating and also we need more fuel.We have to become open minded to obtain new technologies from abroad besides not closing indegeneous effort on thorium based plants . let there be competetion among imported technology as well as locally generated one. our nuclear power stations are working at 30% efficiency besides having fuel shortage. let us explore possibility of getting better support from USA/Europe which are far more advanced in this field because they can afford to spend fortunes on infrastructure/R&D/Manpower developement. Both DR kalam as well as DR Manmohan singh are highly patriotic/ sincere/most intellectual/knowledgeble and humble personalities. we should not cast motives on every silly things
when B/W TVs AND COLOUR TVS OR COMPUTERS ARE INTRODUCED , COMMUNISTS/ leftists AS WELL AS SOME OF OUR SCIENTISTS OPPOSED INTRODUCTION.SAME IS THE CASE WITH LIBERALISATION. NOw we can not immagine what fate we would have fallen on india if we followed them. Nuclear deal may also be some thing like that.Nothing in deal effects india negatively.WHY oppose?