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RE:Need of Time
by Gopal on Jul 19, 2008 01:12 AM

Please read my long post in
'Non-communal BJP? You must be kidding'

Listen the CNN news. See the time space they give preaching against nuclear energy. Heart of heart every country is against it. Then why should we go for that. Vehementally arguing for it?Capacity addition is necessary every country. But not at the expense of safety. After all the expected addition as per the deal is only 10% of the total installed capacity. I doubt very much whether we can achieve this target. 40000MW in 20 years. Remember it is NUCLEAR PLANTS and not multi storied buildings. Strongly feel there is a chance of second hand junks being dumped in India by this deal. Indian rule allows to import second hand equipments. I do not know whether there is any clause regarding 'nuclear waste'.

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Is the N-deal good? Debate rages