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RE:Let them............
by shibaji nayak on Apr 17, 2008 05:19 PM

It is pity that we are messing up the issues. Olympic torch relay is nothing to do with Tibetan revolution. Let sports take its own course on stand alone basis and political issues be on their own also on stand alone basis. Why there is mis up. More Over the Dalailama, the spiritual guru has urged people to allow the Beinjing Olympic be go on peacefully without any problem. Then why all these protests are there. History is ther where we have faltered many times not considering the advice of Mahatma Gandhi. Now let us not do the same thing again. Absolutely, politically we should be very shrewd in dealing with international issues and mostly the relationship with our neighbous. Good relationship with neighbours improves the quality of lives of citizens. Carry it in that way.

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