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Reply to ALBERT: Your Fears are unfounded !!
by Vishnu Sharma on Apr 17, 2008 11:24 PM

If the communists take control this is what will happen.

a)They destroyed Hindu institutions and Religion and persecuted Hindus
I did not speak up because I did not care

b)Then they came for Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians and Muslims in that order and banned religion.

b)They came for the capitalists and Big Business
and proceeded to destroy them.
I did not speak up because I was not a capitalist. Rather I welcomed the fact.

c)They muzzled the free-press and stuffed all institutions with party members.
I did not protest.

d)They invited intellectual criticism and all those who came forward criticized the party were branded as Rightists and shot.

d)They banned all other political parties and started Labor Camps.
I did not protest.

e)They gave India's Northern states and Ladakh to the enemy. I was dumbfounded.

e)My wife died in the famine their policies caused.

f)They took my daughter away for re-education.
after she protested against their policies.

I have not seen her since.

Now my eyes are never dry and my mind is never at peace.

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