A person should be judged on his merits, not the number of votes he gets from the masses who know bugger all about the arts of governing. A person should be given the highest office in the land by a number of people who know the chosen man's abilities, strengths and weaknesses, not some goof whom the masses know practically nothing about. An elected politician is no gurantee of his ability to lead the country in a way that suits the conditions and circumstances of the country in question. The important thing is to choose the right person to lead the country, not the means by which that person is chosen. Democracy might work for India. Autocracy is working for China nicely. We have no intention to change our time-tested system that has been a major contributor to our economic success. We believe that the sacrifices of the few is for the good of the majority. That's the way things should be done. That's why what can be done in one year in China usually takes 10 years in India. The race is on and time is the essence.