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by sarvajna on May 11, 2005 02:28 AM

you are right.if the US administration sees this then the writer Mr.Praful Bidawi a brand commie will not be given visitor visa to that country.but then there is nothing in Russia now for these people to get.forget china as they are busy now being the blue- eyed boys of USA and why not when thier communist idealogy has failed them miserably and they are now in a era of ( though controlled) of a capitalistic its leaves behind its ugly communist past so will be the progress of that country and there is no doubt that it will be the most advanced and prosperous country as it evolves out of its time tested but failed idealogy.its strange that even sensible media and the columnists do fail to understand that the naxalite movement now in india is nothing but a union of ex-tradeunionists who have no income and want to live by any means,like killing,bomb blasting mine sweeping and extortion of say the planters and landlords.the communists are more dangerous than the communalists for india.these people have been enjoying the patronage from outside the country and now that thier masters shops are closing they are worried.india should go ahead with helping Nepal without worrying

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India''s U-turn for a despot