Oops!! I come from the exactly opposite school of thought :)
"Erase the news about awards to SDM" - this is easier said than done! All talking about it, 3 nominations for a Indian in Oscars, etc etc.. one cannot remove off the movie... After all this, when one sees the movie most of them would see whether suits the hype, the awards... etc..
"Indian would be harmed by what’s shown in the movie" The world , India is too big to be affected by a movie... can you think of a tangible damage this movie would create? As such do you think people in the west think of the metros they think about India? do you think they think about infosys, pubs, multiplexes, bandra.. etc...? sorry that’s not the reality... most of them think still we are snake charmers!!! Its my personal experience... few know India through metros... many know through books , discovery channel or the beggars, traffic jam, theft, autowalas in the tourist destinations... The point is – the present image is not dignified, yes you may say that this movie would affirm or worsen things, but I feel the international damage delta would be negligible... but for we Indians it would be a big time REALITY CHECK...
"the movie deserves the nominations for performance...etc etc" What performance? Whose performance.. Try comparing it with crash, million dollar baby, TZP, Anbe sivam, etc etc
As a pure movie review - THE movie is GOOD not GREAT