HELLO ALL THE READERS First try to erase the news about awards to SDM. Now see the movie. This movie has lots of good points. Struggle of a small boy. Direction...etc etc.. BUT....BUT... What message you get when you walk out of movie hall is?????????????????? What things keeps on running in your thoughts??????????? what indirect subconscious message enters our brain???????????? FILTH POVERTY GUTTERS CHILD EXPLOITATION SEX BHAILOG... EVEN BAD PART IN CHARACTER OF ANIL KAPOOR GIVING A WRONG HINT (THIS WAS NOT EXPECTED IN MOVIE!).. Getting award is really great achievement.But this movie is a brain child of outsider about India.. It is English movie dubbed in Hindi. Agreed our politicians are not doing any thing for the slums... agreed its a reality.. But do we need to enlarge it? And enlarging it will help to reduce it? Also why showing the Internal problem to other countries in Glorified way? I feel its our own foolishness that we Indians are happy for getting award for this movie in west which is showing negative things about our country. If you think about the performances, no doubt they deserve what ever the nominations etc etc.. BUT THE SUBJECT PROBABLY HARMS INDIA MORE THAT IT IS GOING TO BENEFIT. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND ALL THE READERS TO SEE THIS MOVIE AND DECIDE HOW YOU FEEL AFTER THE SHOW.