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RE:RE:Not correct by core
by Ravi Roy on May 18, 2007 01:40 PM

Aeyyo Sabarsih ye kya bolta hai ji..typical slave attitude of thinking. you define the templete of those crying underpaid guys here rama re.
So keep on sitting in bangalooru nariyal based life science factories.
It needs idea. lab setups of research institutions are enough to take care of infrastructure chemical experiment support Appa. This is not south Indian thali that you need to do everything yourself. It requires mind. If you say DRL, or Biocon, or Astra Zenica have no thsoe resources, then I can udnerstand your logical status.
And a new enterprenuer does not need to put funds but needs tie ups and channelization.
you spoke nothing sensible to make me things understood. Come out of labour mentality ramachandran appa. First go and read the stories of enterprenuers even including Kiran majumdar of A Pandey, who started things from hutment. You willg iven job of procuring cement chemical etc. don't worry.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?