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RE:Biotech Jobs
by Jisha Janardhanan on Jul 06, 2007 08:59 AM

Look in the jobs column. I have done my MSc with 2nd rank in the university in 2004. I have not even got a single genuine interview call till date.

Articles in news papers are the latest way to advertise. There is no research or truth in it. I have been called for interviews, in biotech firms, which operate from home, and asked to pay 15,000 to 50,000 for job assured courses.
Think again, a person who cannot invest a few lakhs for a building, how does he invest in crores for the equiptment. Just having a pressure cooker and a freezer does not make a bio tech firm. These are no.1 scams and all of these people who are involved in false hype should be hanged till death in public.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?