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to kiss or not to kiss..
by Vaibhav Garg on Apr 20, 2006 09:11 PM

well.. its difficult to say with todays new generation .. whether couples should be allowed to display their affection to each other.. At the same time, its not fair to say that don\'t display them at all.. afterall.. some fun in life must be retained! :))

Maybe, if they had a policy, that couples cant kiss for more than.. say 2 a time.. then that would be ok.. would\'nt it.. a small peck on the lips should be acceptable.. but a full blown french kiss with the hands roaming about.. can be treated as offensive..

i know the realisation of this, will have couples/ moral police carrying stop watches.. but at least it would give peace of mind to everyone else! :))

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss