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to kiss or not to kiss
by MK GUPTA on Apr 21, 2006 01:20 PM

Hats off to politicians, how they manage to use the classical diversionary tactics to divert public attention from burning issues to non issues:

Some examples:
For vote bank politics, keep the voters half literate by giving regionalism oriented slogans including local language education. How many Govt Servants/Politicians educate their children in local medium is a big question mark.

Then they play the poor non english medium educated graduate with nowhere to go, against others privileged to get english medium education by raising the reservation bogie.

When they can't take care of health, education, power supply, illegal constructions mushrooming being demolished, providing space for romance for young couples seeking privacy etc. etc., they create a new demon, Whoa! Moral Policing and kissing in public is the latest issue being raked up.

Public at large knows we are steeped in some values, and generally we love to stand by them. But to moral policing is taking things too far.

All individuals in question are educated and know their social responsibilities. No policing is needed, but I must add, the individuals must take upon themselves to be responsible in public.

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss