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making the presence felt
by abhijit mukherjee on Apr 20, 2006 08:11 PM

Dear Friends,
I guess its all about making one's presence felt... Sounds weird?? Well..
Lets go back to the old KGB Vs Pentagon days...
The romanticism used to revolve round the fact that " Big brother is watching!!!" War sold well then, Sex sells well today.
So, moral police imposition against trivial acts as "kissing in public", will be read and made a huge hue and cry about.One opines that the police has better things impose fines on.
Littering public spots is a common trend in the subcontinent. We have seen a lot of fines imposed. Seldom the same has resulted in the cleanliness of the city.
On the other hand,some people who had infact never thought that kissing in public was important will now reconsider!! Does this reflect anti-conventionalism? Would I be looked up as the perfect Bohemian if I do it? Is it trendy? So the hype is packaged well..
People who had to would do so even now and pay fines if required...Yes, the scope for under the table income increases!! Kudos to the police and the wannabe social polices for that!!
" Indian Heritage, culture, education.. etc etc"?Let's give them a break!! Haven't we bothered them enough to our political and petty interests?

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