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kiss in public : fight in private
by sunny on Apr 21, 2006 01:29 AM

well the rules are meant to be broken and here comes a new source of revenue for so called moral police. However i got a more better idea.. if a couple is caught kissing in public.. than the police will have 2 choice. First one is bit economical the police man can also kiss that gal or guy ( jst in case) or the couple have to pay the fine.. Fine of rs 500 is too much .. think about poor guys ( i assume that in most cases fines will be paid by guys) who borrows money from their friend n acquitances to have a ball with their girl will be a heavy dent in their pocket.. so delhites watch it.. next time u hang out with ur gf than u should keep a Gandhi Chaap note ( rs 500 note) in reserve..

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