well this is really an interesting topic i read all the messages posted by the ppl few are against saying kissing is against indian culture and few saying if couples r ready then y others bother.Iwant to put a ? to those who r against kissing in public areas now if u have a gf/bf n u have been together wid him/her for say several months or years and now u came to a point where ur sexual desires are striking ur doors.Now lets c the scenarios where You can kiss ur gf/bf at ur house highly impossible lol private places hmmm where do u find such places population is everywhere hehehe then parks ??but its public place..and after trying to find such place thru every means we wanna satiate that desire so here u decide and keeps ur culture far behind and most of the couples do this and some may move towards a serious crime to gratify their lust(optional)..
Now a ? to those who doesnt like being fined well u guys arnt leaving any place where families can go coz behind everytree we find a couple kissing heheh so i guess its better to control the crime rate rather than our decent police pretending to prove themselves and indulging themselves in such stupid activities think upon it.