"The sound of a kiss is much softer than that of a canon - but it's echo lasts a great deal longer."
Kissing is a very Natural Human Tendency for 2 people who are in Love.. It exists now and it existed 100 years ago as well. By kissing in public, we are Not copying the west.. we are doing what we always wanted to do, but with a little more chivalry & openness!!
Kissing should not be fined. yes, but if it crosses the limits of obscenity and an observer may feel awkward, then this type of "snogging" should be stopped.. but by other means than imposing a heafty fine. Severe Warning with Possible Consequences should do the Trick...!!
After all, Love cannot and should not be contained For it is the Most Beautiful Feeling One Can Feel... and Government cannot Control Our Feelings!! GOODLUCK!!