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Moral values or dictatorship?
by GP on Apr 21, 2006 10:56 AM

I think we are yet to understand the line between democracy and dictatorship.. Come-on Moral police.. If u care so much about our country, iradicate corruption, poverty and educate people.. There are a lot more problems here than the youth kissing. Let us grow as A COUNTRY.

Such restrictions will only frustrate the young generation forcing them to leave the country and go else where where they find more freedom. I don't say the indecent behaviour is freedom.. We ought to learn behaving decetly in public but please, let the generation WAKE-UP on its own.. You can't preach the whole world. Time makes everyone matured.

You may prevent people from kissing outside but you can't stop them. In turn, they will find a place in hotels, lodges and private rooms..Would that be decency? How will you stop that?

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