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K iss or not to kiss - Your say
by K.R. Sreenath on Apr 20, 2006 04:39 PM

Public exhibition of our emotions, feelings and love which is between two people is not correct. I mean one should not kiss in public, but can in their own privacy. Encroching on one's privacy like a beach corner, away from the public, by the Moral Police is not correct. Sometime our Moral Police go beyond their limits and speak or do things which is not good e.g., Valentine day incidents. I strongly feel that no one has the right to prevent another person of doing what that persons feels right, as long as it does not harm any one in particular. Dance bars - people used to go there to spend some time and relax. Dance bars did not force people to come and see the performance. We go on our own free will. No one can stop us from going to Dance Bars or seeing picture like FIRE, WATER etc., Some time ago I had said that too much of moral policing will make our country a Taliban type of country. We should never become a Taliban country.

k.R. Sreenath

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss