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Re: I'm loving it
by Guest on May 19, 2009 12:56 AM

Rakesh, I am not sure how educated you are, but from your language and the lack of knowledge in basic English grammer, it seems that you are not qualified enough to comment on any particular race. Just for your information, there is a subject called 'History' (if you have never heard about it, please get in touch with someone who went to a school), which might come handy if you really want to know about the political and cultural contributions of the Bengalis. You don't have to go through the advanced books of history (because that might be too much for an 'educationally challenged' guy like you), just try to grab a basic book of Indian history.
Regarding Dada's performance, I agree that he is not in best of his form in this tournament (still he is the 3rd highest run scorer in the KKR team so far). And the cricketing legends like Geoffrey Boycott and Sunil Gavaskar admires his talent. So I guess, Dada might not need your support to establish himself as a top-class player.

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