hehehehehe thank you for gving so much importance to my comment, it seems it is worth discussing. how much cricket do u understand, states your comment. Firstly you have acute understnding problem. Indian team under ganguly played comparably much better against every team (please check stats again). Secondly I was not refering to ganguly or dhonis cricketing abilities. Ganguly Is far far better player than dhoni, and i am sure u will agree that too. My quest was to prove that this team selction might be a possible manipulation by dhoni. It could be as u can see dhoni after being captain has shown an effort of eliminating seniors on whatever basis. He conquered saurav and dravid but still the Indian GOD OF Cricket is still standing and at the moment out of injury. If you think that my comment in some way speaks for ganguly, then I must say, how many cricketers you will find, who is or was a great fighter like the bengal cricketer. I dont want u to stress your cricketing sense as there is nothing like exists. but please ask other and read some articles by past great cricketers you will understnd why.