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RE:reply to krishnendu mukherjee
by amitava mukherjee on May 30, 2008 03:06 PM

This in reply to Sameer K.

I would like to make Sameer abreast that Ganguly is the most successfull captain ever for india.....and if he is to talk of the statistics,then i would like to inform that in the last one year,Ganguly has scored the maximum runs among his contemporaries.anyway,his awesome strike rate and the number of hundreds scored is not just a matter of fact but also a burning pointer to his capability as not only a batsman,but also as a bowler.

His recent performance in the IPL deserves him a place in the current team.And when none of the senior pro's are in the team he could have lend a fantastic balance with the ocean full of experience that he has of international cricket.

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