Cong, Rahul, Sonia are promoting this: 1. Nuke plants last 40 years, then 1000s of year we have to monitor thius. Cost of power is eternal. 2Nuke plants need coolant water. there is no water for drinking , tilling where is water for cooling? 4 years cong has not linked rivers that cost lesser to nation. 3 1000000 crores as taxes was spent by UPA- no useful price reducing infrastructure has been created.So will all nuke cost be wasted? goes to sun, wing which we have more than USA. Govt has not spent or will grant money for R&D!Are we solving power by ourselves or buying it? We can buy from ship based Nplants of USA with no initial costs. Let USA make& care for these ships.We dont need N plants. 5. Soniaji has said we need power for farms-If you had linked rivers, we need no bore wells. this is saying farmers will get power after nuke plants in 10 year, not now so farmers can die? farmer needs water- we send to sea 40%.We will get more rains for warming.Why has govt slept & not put in needed dams? We kill farmers with floods & droughts that cannot be solved by nplants.100000 crores for river links.But UPA spent 10*times that money for nothing. 6. Italian Catholic church is it for slaving India? 7. Why has govt not announced a prize tax free for Indian inventors of energy? It has no awakeing.As you said, nation does not need Nplants but sensible river water policy with our solar/wind/hydel/coal ok. 8 why 4 years slept for uranium mines?willfull to tell we need this de
Thru this N Deal The Amount of Indian Money that would be Put to Stake is Rs.11,25,000 Crores or US$ 260 Bn.
And Even if We withdraw from the Agreement Later, The Built Nuclear Facilities would be under IAEA Safeguards in PERPETUITY. Which Only means West dominated IAEA will intrude into India and be there FOREVER. The Way out of It is to demolish those Facilities. Means Rs. 11,25,000 Crores of Loss.
Understand Our Forex Reserves are US$ 312 Bn.
Understand The Cost of a Product bought in the Market would Include its R & D Costs And Profits.
Do We Need to Spend So much Now ?
Is it Not better to Spend that Money in Better Water Management ?
Do You Know Only 20% of Rainwater is Harvested in the Dams & Reservoirs and Rest is being Leftout into the Sea ?????
A Reasonable Lake per Village thru out the Country Costs just Rs. 35000 Crores. Which also means JOBs only for Indians And Only INRs and No Forex.
This Indo-US Nuke Deal is Not Good. It is Only to finance the Bankrupt G-8 & their allies.
The Propaganda of Lack of Energy is UnTruth.
Proper Water Management thru Water Harvesting in Village Ponds, which were actually filled up and Encroached by Congress Party workers and its splinter groups Will Solve a Huge Power Requirement from the AGRIculture Sector.
Stop Power Theft And Use that Money to Finance New Projects.
Campaign for Social Afforestation with Plants which can be used as Bio-mass to generate Energy, Which means a double advantage. A Huge Amount of Energy Demand for the AC/Refrigeration Purposes will vanish. Also, Rains will be better And Hydel Power Generation with existing Capacities itself will Increase.
Diversify Industrial development across Geography, So that both Public and Private Transportation Costs will decrease. Which means Less Petrol/Forex And Also Lesser Energy Consumption in the Homes. People Also will have More Free time in their Lifes.
Encourage Non-Conventional Energy Sources which have much lesser Gestation Periods.
PLS UNDERSTAND that the GDP Growth Mongers & Foreign Agents Are Not Allowing the Above things happen because they want to grow their wealth at the COST of the Environment And Our Tax Money.
Majority of Power Shortages till date Are Only due to Political Corruption, Court Cases and related Delays.
Another reason is LACK of TALENT in the SEBs as the Best Talent even after joining has left to Private Sector to avoid unneccessary problems with Quotawalas in work and promotions.
Third is, Vanishing of Village Tanks and Lakes By Encroachers Which decreased the Ground Water Levels and Made the Water Drain into the Sea. That Resulted in More Power Requirement in Agriculture Sector And Also More Demand of Water for Domestic Consumption.
Lack of Water Harvesting resulted in Increased Temperatures Which Made ACs and Coolers a Neccessity. I found In everybodies House the Power Bills are double in houses with Coolers And 6 times in houses with ACs.
Meaning Manifolds of Increase in Power Demand. By Spending Rs. 35000 Crores to Dig Village Tanks/Lakes which will take less than 2 yrs, We can decrease the Load of Agri Sector as well as the Domestic Demand in Summers to 1/3 or 1/4.
We Don't need to go for N Deal and Increase our N Energy Component Which will only be delivered if At all AFTER 8/10 yrs
Leave the politicians alone. How many of us here use solar power for lighting? If each indian invests Rs 4000.00, he gets his room illuminated free for ever. This way we can save at least 10,000,00 MW. The CFL may need a change after 2 years, which would cost Rs 120.00. The quality of the solar cells increasing day by day. Where is the mass transportation system? In Europe it is just wonderful. Coming to nuclear power, the western have been using it since ages. now it is outdated. Believe me, they are destroying the nuclear plants now. I have seen debates in UK about erection of new nuclear plants. The congress is mad.... they don't have any care for this country...
RE:why nuclear deal
by raj on Jul 17, 2008 04:07 PM Permalink
true. we never speak about solar cells, or energy generation at the micro level. the reason is that government is run like a well oiled an greased machinery. the grease is supplied and applied on government palms all over india. every government choses to adopt this - corrupt or non corrupt. every police station, every passport office, land delas, loans to farmers, education, employment guarantee, postal, customs, jobs, excise, IT, EVERY single sector runs on greased palms.
we love hearing government building a huge damn. they get a huge cut out of it. every tender thats issued virually guarantees a cut to the approving official/ party. thus - party funds/ slush funds bribe are a bane. everyone knows that building small bunds and tanks are beneficial - but the government doesnt encourage it. instead they promise forever to build canals - canals means massive construction and again slush funds from tenders!
RE:why nuclear deal
by viswa raveen on Jul 17, 2008 04:04 PM Permalink
you are correct. Power from Nuclear Plant is passe'. France gets its entire share of powerfor the country only through Nuclear Plants. We are too late to get into this game. In a matter of few years , say atleast in ten yeras, the world will be chasing alternate source of energy. Meanwhile we would have commissioned many Plants at great cost. The Nuclear guys will always cheer for Nuclear. No use asking them. They are like Car sales guys. Our gains through this deal (n if it goes thru) is only minimal at huge cost. We need to embrace the new technologies at cost very soon.
use the thar desert - there are vast areas which can be used for solar power. if thar is too windy and has shifting sands, there are other semi arid zones in andrapradesh. we can easily setup plants there. USa and europe are ahead in this curve. why not learn from europe who have already setup vast wind and solar energy stations.
that said, usa is fast becoming a natural ally. we have 50 billion dollars worth of software export every year. russia is a spent force, we have a belligerent china whom our politicians can barely speak to. in such an event usa is a better option than going about in circles with policies like the NAM, or panchsheel of the yore.
point is whether our leaders are good enough to gauge our needs and serve the country as visionaries.
RE:use the thar desert for solar power
by TheOneAndOnly on Jul 17, 2008 04:04 PM Permalink
Ambanis and Moser Baer are Setting Up Fabs Which will make Solar Cells Cheaply Available in India very Soon.
Maino Wants to Sell Off Indian Sovereignity before such good things Realise. You see it is like Giving Credit for 20 yrs before One takes his First Salary - that too at a Vague Floating Rate.
by viswa raveen on Jul 17, 2008 04:07 PM Permalink
on the contrary, it shuts out all possibilities of ever attempting to belong to this elite group
Why the heck is this govt and and mm singh obsessed with this useless nuclear deal?? Yes nuclear power is very important for India but defnintely NOT thru this deal with the US. The americans are cunning and we will end up nowhere and being their slaves. The UPA buggers have taken a lot of suitcases with tonnes of $$$ which is why they are supporting it blindly.
All those opposing the Nuclear deal, have no idea of the deal.. They are just blindly following the leaders, for whome ideologies are important than nation. This is a CIVILIAN NUCLEAR deal, reactors under the safeguards ONLY will be under external inspections. These are the reactors that we will give us power. If you want to then you want to you can make bombs too.., the ones not under the safe guard can be used for military purposes.. No one can stop Us...Phew... Please for gods sake... sink this into all our heads...God Save India
RE:We need the deal SOS
by Umesh Sharma on Jul 17, 2008 03:41 PM Permalink
o the enlightened one pls tell us against the cost of reactors and uranium , how much of the country's energy requirement will be fulfilled. as per the experts by 2030 only 5% of energy will be fulfilled compared to the investment which is some lakh crores. pls donot consider others on this board fools.
RE:RE:We need the deal SOS
by delson roche on Jul 17, 2008 06:41 PM Permalink
I nvr considered any one her as fools Mr Umesh. Dont know y u assume so. Any wy coming to ur contention. The cost of building any other alternate source of energy is way more then nuclear power.If we need more energy we have to Invest Dear Sir. Else we will have 23 hrs of load shedding
American Print Media has Estimated the Indian Market in the Period of the Deal(40 yrs) As US$ 260 Bn. that comes to Rs.11,25,000 Crores in the Next 20 Years, if not sooner.
RE:We need the deal SOS
by rangdebasanti on Jul 17, 2008 03:40 PM Permalink
u r the only fvdker knowledgeble about the deal!! * where was America in 1965, 1971, 1962 and 1999? * what the govt doing for the renewable energy sources? * who is accountable for money spent for the nuclear reactors?
RE:RE:We need the deal SOS
by delson roche on Jul 17, 2008 06:43 PM Permalink
Dear sir, I wish you had the decency of speaking in a good debate. Using of abusive words shows the kind of person you are. I dont feel your questions deserve an answer. God bless you with etiquette's
RE:RE:We need the deal SOS
by delson roche on Jul 17, 2008 06:38 PM Permalink
Well when it comes to military, no one will give us anything.. we have to do it Sir. This is a civilian deal, nothing to with military
RE:We need the deal SOS
by delson roche on Jul 17, 2008 06:37 PM Permalink
Oh really!!! I have been posting here since months on hte deal. If you read well you will realise. I dont need to google. I have read the raw txt. Thanks for ur info.