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No compromise on N-Deal: Sonia
by Ezhumalayan on Jul 18, 2008 12:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

No comproise on going to IAEA-Says PM.
We will only compromise on the price of MPs says Congress!!

No compromise on nuclear test says PM.
We will ONLY compromise on the national dignity says Congress!!!

No compromise on getting the meagre 3-7% of nuclear power by 2020 says PM.
We will compromise with criminal and murderous MPs says Congress!!!!

No compromise on energy for poor says PM.
We will compromise on food, clothing of the poor says Congress!!!!!

No compromise on clean energy says PM.
We will only compromise on housing, education and health of the poor says Congress!!!!!!

No compromise on N-Deal says Sonia.
We will compromise on all other deals(with Amar Singh, Ajit Singh, Shibu Soren, Ramadoss, TRS, Omar Abdullah, and jailed MPs) says Congress Chamchas!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Can't have cake and eat it too = Nuclear deal
by mr c on Jul 18, 2008 11:03 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

There has got to be give and take. India cannot achieve everything on its own terms as the left /BJP wants. You cannot have nuclear tests for unwanted reasons when you want Nuclear deal for nuclear fuel supplies uniterruptedly required for our plants. We have to assess the deal in its totality of benefits vs. other disadvantages. In any case BJP is having a double standard. Left atleast have only one policy i.e. oppose.

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RE:Can't have cake and eat it too = Nuclear deal
by pramod upadhyay on Jul 18, 2008 02:01 PM  Permalink
bhaiya bjp deal ko current format mei oppose karti ki in all cases...samjheeee

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by michael xavier on Jul 18, 2008 10:46 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

JUst one Q? Why all this scientist where sleeping all day long , just coming with up ideas that , see this website and cost detail etc, hello scientist this is not a school, where you are going for 10th grade exam that u are writing answers before exam.

shame on your knowledge , which can not be revealed timely.

u are the country waste product , who dont know what time to tell what ?




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by True Indian on Jul 18, 2008 11:07 AM  Permalink
mchael, answer to your statement is very simple. you must be working in a company. How many times, the chairman of your company comes to you and listens to you!!!! because, their are other seniors to whom you chairman listens or if you are on a senior post, then your boss is biased and so he listens to someone else or he has some chamchas with him round the clock.

once everyone get freedom, then ever person starts making his presentation. in this scenario there are more fools who shouts and project their views and their are few genious and experts , who too get chance to put their thought process. Dr. Purkaystha is one of integllegent scientiest who never got chance to put his view infront, or his voice was suppressed by some chamcha type of senior scientist.

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Public at large supports N deal a boon for India
by VB on Jul 18, 2008 10:33 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

India public at large supports N deal; a boon for India in the days to come and this must happen. This step a PM like Mr. Manmohan Singh only could take since he is an honest, sincere and dedicated person and had a lot to the development of India.

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RE:Public at large supports N deal a boon for India
by Rakesh Sharma on Jul 18, 2008 11:03 AM  Permalink

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RE:Public at large supports N deal a boon for India
by pramod upadhyay on Jul 18, 2008 02:09 PM  Permalink
aap akele hi public ho kya vb bhai....

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no-clear agreement
by JJS Chauhan on Jul 18, 2008 10:20 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

When almost all developed countries go for non- conventional energy sources and renewable energy development and had not constructed a single atomic reactor for power generation in the last 3 decades, why India should go for such an agreement under the disguise of requirement of Power generation. The whole stupid power ministry and agencies under it crave for super and mega power plants spending thousands of crores of rupees where from a good commission is passed on as kick backs. No one is ready to think about renewable energy or non- conventional energy. The claim of supporting energy generation is false.

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RE:no-clear agreement
by pramod upadhyay on Jul 18, 2008 02:11 PM  Permalink
yahin to nukta dandh pelta hai bhai...aapne bilkul sahi kaha...

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India is poor country
by fun guy on Jul 18, 2008 10:14 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Do you think congress/commies/BJP will take the country forward? You should remember one thing that congress is responsible for this entire crisis. Though India has got lot of intellectuals in world still India is far backward in technological capability. (refer WIPO world intellectual property organization statistics). These so called Harvard education economists are good at do business. They will sell the India at a great price. They don't have good vision to take India forward. India means not few billionaires but it is majority of poor who is in hunger. Government should concentrate on providing affordable quality life to poor at the same time concentrate on building technological capability of India. Further it will lead to provide better livelihood for all. Technology is the only way to provide good education, health care, safe water, food and everything today. Not just attracting third rated IT jobs/BPO to India and spoiling the powerful youth population.

Suppose if some one develops some technology, he has to continuously do research and upgrade the technology otherwise it will become obsolete.
The person importing technology no need to worry about the R&D. but only thing is the he has to buy another new technology or upgrade from the same supplier if the operation viability is lost.
The same rule is applicable to the Indian Sarkari scientist.
They are not fit for R&D. they are always interested in monthly salaries and pension. No accountability too.

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RE:India is poor country
by fun guy on Jul 18, 2008 10:14 AM  Permalink


Why should they favor for developing technology handling head breaking problems and by spending sleepless nights.
It is better to favor for buying technology from others and operating it. So peacefully work 10-4 for 5 days and rest enjoying life.

The message is very clear, if you started buying readymade idly dosa mix for daily need then you won’t find meaning to grind yourself in future. The same is the case for technologies. Later, India will import many things and it will say indigenous technology or raw material is not viable? But over a period of time the price will be decided by the foreign market and india have to buy what ever price they say. And india will be slave to many counties to beg technologies. The developed countries will do high quality work and Indians will do third rated monotones job in the name of BPO boom.
The main reason may be the government. The government does not have vigorous technology development policies.
Who is to blame?

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RE:India is poor country
by Priya Patel on Jul 18, 2008 10:24 AM  Permalink
I am so glad that you are the only one who understood everything so well. All others who have different opinions are fit for only R&D and will benefit by ensuring that India remainds slave to others!!

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Why dont you wait till public decision.
by Swamy BJ on Jul 18, 2008 03:47 AM  Permalink 

In last elections we elected MP's to form the govt, not for N-deal, how can you decide whether to accept or reject the deal without of public concern. Lets take a public poll, and explain the PnL with this deal to the country. Since either befinit or loss need to face by the next generation, neither Advani nor MMS nor Karat will be alive after 20-30yrs, So let us leave this to the public and youth, to decide whether to sign the deal or not. No polical party have the right to decide the young generation's future for their own political benefits.

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Unclear deal
by kieran dsouza on Jul 17, 2008 10:21 PM  Permalink 

I agree fully with Dr Purkastha. We have abundant natural resources like solar, hydel, tidal, biogas, wind, biofuel from trees and shrubs (not crops), besides coal and petroleum. Also ethanol from sugarcane is already being used

So as common sense dictates we make use of our natural resources first before going headlong into a controversial nuclear deal which should be the last resort.

No one should be of one-track mind

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Strategic Reserve
by Lalatendu Deo on Jul 17, 2008 09:39 PM  Permalink 

We keep strategic reserve for Food Grains,
Petroleum Products, and whatnots. These reserves cost a huge amount to the exchequer. This is for preparing ourselves against eventualities, even though these may never arise in a considerable future time.

Similarly we have to foresee the scenario when we may have a crises on the energy front, especially when we look at the pace at which our economy is growing. The supply of energy should have to be faster in order to maintain the economic growth.

The scenario of Energy Front MIGHT change for the better. The options with us are so many. But all these are not immediately available to us. With no solution at hand, we have to immediately plan for the next decades, when we would have a depleted coal reserve and no major new Dams around. Probably, we have no option but to go for an expansion of our nuclear energy capability, up to the day those non-convention energy sources will no longer called so.

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