RE:AAG Lagado
by Bharatkumar on Apr 17, 2008 05:01 PM Permalink
why commie comrades not running p.carrot, yechuri, bardahan, raja, surjit, j. basu etc. should run for china saab budde hai issiliye hey kya ???
RE:AAG Lagado
by Akshay Kumar on Apr 17, 2008 05:02 PM Permalink
haam bhai woh aag laga dega tibetans dilli ko. thab bhi aap unko support dena teek hai ?
RE:bus to beijing
by Amit Joshi on Apr 17, 2008 04:56 PM Permalink
Seeda ja... right mud .... Waha tere ko Borivali station dikhega....... Waha station pe khade hoja... Roj olympics hota hai... Agar tu train me chad paya... To Samaj lena silver medal... Agar Gold chahiye to Miraroad station jana padega...
I too feel we should not mix Politics with Sports.
How ever, if the purpose of Sports is to bring harmony and Peach with Nations ,the Beijing Olimpics will not achieve it's purpose.
Chineese Agression is very well known to the World Community. If the Tibetians want freedom from China,they should immediately allow it and clear their image.
China's Agression towards India is well known.
When our Priminister visited Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh, the Chineese Officially made the complaint.
Shame on Indian Government and the So Called Spineless Political Leaders like Pranab Mukerjee who vouch for China now.
India wants to act as a Big Brother and show to the World about it's support for Noble Causes.
Is not Tibet issue a Noble Cause. I think the current government is too fearfull to face the Chineese and their Chamchas Prakash Karat and Barden in India. They are afraid of the Lefts support matter.
Long Live Tibet. Hope the Agressor China will be out from your country.
Also, I think Dalailama is not the right kind of Leader the Tibetians need now. Teaching Non Violence etc ok. But when you have to Act with Force and the opportunity is available,you have to do it.
Pls note, the whole world is critically watching China and support Tibetian cause.
RE:Olympic Torch
by Samson Tellis on Apr 17, 2008 06:10 PM Permalink
gilbert, does your ignorant A$$ understand what are the fundamentals of buddhism? tibetian chimp..
RE:Olympic Torch
by Amit Joshi on Apr 17, 2008 04:51 PM Permalink
Abe ee selfish man... Do u know how did we get independence?????????? If u dont ask ur grandfather
RE:Olympic Torch
by raj g on Apr 17, 2008 05:07 PM Permalink
i know hence i m talking.. i think u need to check this whehter we got freedom from sending emails and follow up mail from outside india.... we did not even protested in front of the indian embassy in UK
by blocking the road it will be a nightmare going home. Cant they do this running in the outskirts, maybe in some village. only those concrened can be there (i.e the protesters and the interested parties, chinese hoodlums included). could call Comrade Karat and party too. that will add to the crowd. prevent the traffic problems to us
by Akshay Kumar on Apr 17, 2008 04:51 PM Permalink
u should tell this to tibetans. why r they creating problems in India ? attacking embassy, blocking the road, attacking security personnel etc. etc. It is the duty of the government to provide security to the torch run. It is not a political event. It is a sports event.
by pdg on Apr 17, 2008 04:59 PM Permalink
it is a political event... dont let all these sports and torch fool you. IOC is run by a politician. i dont think u have ben reading the newspaper...tibetans and INDIANs have protested and not ATTACKED anyone.
Though I fully support the concern of Tibetans against China's behavior towards these poor and innocent people yet I do not agree with some of the VIPs opting out from the torch relay in support of Tibetans. We have to see these two things from different angles as these are separate issues from each other. This should not be the way of support or protest against such behavior of China Govt. I have full sympathy with Tibetans but their call for boycott from torch relay and Olympics is not justified. We should promote good relation with each other through sports. Sportsmen do not belong to any country, religion or segment but are assets to this beautiful world. A C Parmar
RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by Rajesh on Apr 17, 2008 04:47 PM Permalink
if you support tibetians then please tell them to go and fight their freedom from their country. dont fight from india. we never fought our freedom from srilanka
RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by Akshay Kumar on Apr 17, 2008 04:54 PM Permalink
Exactly. Why r they here ? It is interesting to see that some refugees creating trouble in Delhi and many people here supporting them and asking them like 'u create more and more problems'. What a love for our motherland India.
RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by pdg on Apr 17, 2008 05:01 PM Permalink
like the many refugees who cam from pakistand and bangladesh. check from your ancestors, u too are a refugee my friend.
RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by Amit Joshi on Apr 17, 2008 04:53 PM Permalink
Have u heard about Subhash Chandra Bose.... If u remember......... He had created his army while in exile in Japan and Germany.... Why u guys are so selfish..... They are our Himalayan brothers and we should all stand to fight for them..........
RE:RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by raj g on Apr 17, 2008 04:58 PM Permalink
my friend Netaji created an army from there.. but they never practiced shooting by disturbing japans peace. we never stopped tibetians from fighting from here but dont disturb our image.
RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by gac on Apr 17, 2008 04:59 PM Permalink
dont compare bose to these lazy tibetans, bose was not in exile for 50 yrs n happily sitting, he created an army in exile. not like this tibetans enjoying life in India, US, UK, etc...
RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by gac on Apr 17, 2008 04:52 PM Permalink
ha, well said rajesh, u need guts to fight for freedom from ur own country
RE:RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by pdg on Apr 17, 2008 04:53 PM Permalink
in srilanka, u used violence and killed innocent people, it is more like murder. dont forget that u did that to our ex PM too. dont compare that with Dalai Lama
RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by Attar Parmar on Apr 17, 2008 05:09 PM Permalink
Dear Rajesh Tibetians who are still in Tibet are fighting like any thing from their home land. Since our people and Govt. has given ( rightly or wrongly )shelter to them a way back in '50 , they are just supporting from the place where they are staying now. You know What freedom fighter Udham Singh has done in Britain ... . So it does not matter from where you are fighting for your concern. Minorities like tibetians have no choice in this world except arranging such protest outside from their home land. A C Parmar
RE:RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by pdg on Apr 17, 2008 04:51 PM Permalink
yeah, tell that to the millions of tibetans who have been tortured, raped and murdered by this chiniese. by carrying the torch we are only promoting the china and all its evil. it is like an advertising tool for China. stop living in an utopian world and come down to reality. what if u had your family members and friends tortured, raped and murdered. Your social and cultural fabric torn to shreds. would you be running with the torch. this is for all those people who think that this torch running is only for sports. Open ur eyes.. it is not, it never was and will never be.
RE:RE:RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by raj g on Apr 17, 2008 04:56 PM Permalink
olympic torch is always for peace and cooperation if you want to retaliate fight in war not with peace ceremony. tibet follows peace and how it can disturb the peace torch
RE:RE:RE:RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by pdg on Apr 17, 2008 05:04 PM Permalink
yes all anti-chinese and anti-paki should be invited to fix these two countries
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by pdg on Apr 17, 2008 05:06 PM Permalink
yes all anti-chinese and anti-paki should be invited to fix these two countries
RE:RE:RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by Akshay Kumar on Apr 17, 2008 04:56 PM Permalink
so r u going to invite all the groups suffering with similar problems to India and help them to fight with their respective countries from India ???????????
RE:RE:RE:RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by pdg on Apr 17, 2008 05:06 PM Permalink
yes all anti-chinese and anti-paki should be invited to fix these two countries
RE:RE:RE:RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by pdg on Apr 17, 2008 05:07 PM Permalink
yes all anti-chinese and anti-paki should be invited to fix these two countries
RE:RE:RE:RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by pdg on Apr 17, 2008 05:04 PM Permalink
yes all anti-chinese and anti-paki should be invited to fix these two countries
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by raj g on Apr 17, 2008 05:00 PM Permalink
hahaha nice outsourcing solution. like you have free trade zone. we will have free war zone...where we will rent war equipmnts and dedicated solution team for understanding the struggle and provide them solution. with IT support haaha
RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by on Apr 17, 2008 04:49 PM Permalink
u r absolutely correct my dear.I am also a Tibettian but i support ur views.That should be the spirit .
RE:Pulling out of some the VIPs from Olymic torch relay
by raj g on Apr 17, 2008 04:53 PM Permalink
i m sorry friend India will always support tibetians, as you are our brothers and love peace we dont have any complaints but whats the use in making small tolis and fighting in some parts of the world come togather unite and fight in tibet for tibet then see the world will support you and you will get what you want. but like this you will be used by usa against china. and made a laughing stock.. support your brothers who are in tibet fighting alone..