During the 1993 Bombay blasts, who was the Chief Minister of Maharashtra who provided the airplane to transport Dawood Ibrahim's relatives and friends to safety and which political party did he belong to?
RE:Bombay blasts
by rajarshi banerjee on Apr 07, 2008 05:45 PM Permalink
Sharad Pawar was the Chief Minister, if I am not mistaken. Why will he not do it, there is classifieds item in the IB report which shows Sharad Pawar and Dawood Ibrahim sitting next to each other enjoying a cricket match in Sharjah in 1988.
RE:HI This is Sunil Sriniwas. Request all south Indian guys (Tamil madrasis, Mallou Keralites, Gult Telugus, kannadigas) who post messages in this forum to use grammatically correct english.
by Vijay Kumar on Apr 07, 2008 05:25 PM Permalink
Many grammatical blunders in your message.
HI --- I should be small i
There should be . or ! after Hi
Mallou --- should be mallu (not grammatical error)
RE:HI This is Sunil Sriniwas. Request all south Indian guys (Tamil madrasis, Mallou Keralites, Gult Telugus, kannadigas) who post messages in this forum to use grammatically correct english.
by Charles Srinarayan on Apr 07, 2008 05:42 PM Permalink
Also accent and diction comes with spoken English, not written English, ha ! ha ! ha !
RE:HI This is Sunil Sriniwas. Request all south Indian guys (Tamil madrasis, Mallou Keralites, Gult Telugus, kannadigas) who post messages in this forum to use grammatically correct english.
by Veluthedath Karthikeyan on Apr 07, 2008 05:43 PM Permalink
Hai Mr. S Sriniwas,
Thanks for your advice. There is a proverb in English "Every dog has on its own day". When you call others like Tamil Madrasis, Keralite Maoists etc. etc. please declare from which jealousy place you belong to?
the most wanted terrorists should be awarded to Congress parties. Who had paved the way to manage the footprints for these terrorists. Terrorists have made India as their safe heaven. These congressis have allowed the Illegal migrants who have spread to all over India. You take karnataka, Tamil nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra, Delhi, Assam, Bihar, UP. These congressis are issuing ration cards, voter cards and are makeing them legal citizens. What the Hell is this.
There is only one place on earth which can be called the home of Islam (Dar-ul-Islam), and it is that place where the Islamic state is established and the Shari¹ah is the authority and God's limits are observed, and where all the Muslims administer the affairs of the state with mutual consultation. The rest of the world is the home of hostility (Dar-ul-Harb). A Muslim can have only two possible relations with Dar-ul-Harb: peace with a contractual agreement, or war. A country with which there is a treaty will not be considered the home of Islam.
A Muslim has no country except that part of the earth where the Shari'ah of God is established and human relationships are based on the foundation of relationship with God; a Muslim has no nationality except his belief, which makes him a member of the Muslim community in Dar-ul-Islam; a Muslim has no relatives except those who share the belief in God, and thus a bond is established between him and other Believers through their relationship with God.
RE:Muslims will never love this country.........read this quote from an islamic website about nationalism..........and learn why,.........
by muqeetsidra on Apr 07, 2008 05:23 PM Permalink
You hindu cannot digest your food with out inter fear in Muslims matter. what you know about your religion tell me, yOU Praise your lord as Ram he was also a human being how you will say a person god, For today this is enough for you, Learn and come back...Takcare
RE:Muslims will never love this country.........read this quote from an islamic website about nationalism..........and learn why,.........
by Abhinav on Apr 07, 2008 05:27 PM Permalink
well why r u afraid to have a discussion......runing away....?? we consider ram as a avtar of god.....in human form.......learn more about hinduism before making u r stupid coments here in the forum......
RE:Muslims will never love this country.........read this quote from an islamic website about nationalism..........and learn why,.........
by ashish bhagat on Apr 07, 2008 05:49 PM Permalink
first of all you dont have a religion you terrorists so dont speak about hindu religion
RE:Muslims will never love this country.........read this quote from an islamic website about nationalism..........and learn why,.........
by Kaiser Raja on Apr 07, 2008 05:27 PM Permalink
Very well said. The bottomline is quite clear. If we all start really believing in GOD, there will be no fighting. Our problem is that, like different RELIGIONS, we think we have different GODS also - The Hindu GOD and the Muslim GOD and other GODs also. We have mixed up RELIGION and GOD. GOD is a simple phenomenon. RELIGION is a big JOKE. RELIGION is a universal obsessional neurosis of mankind. If we just believe in GOD and only GOD, we will surely stop abusing others.
RE:RE:Muslims will never love this country.........read this quote from an islamic website about nationalism..........and learn why,.........
by premnath devaraj on Apr 07, 2008 05:54 PM Permalink
Afterall what is god.can you define,dear beleivers of various religion
RE:Muslims will never love this country.........read this quote from an islamic website about nationalism..........and learn why,.........
by Abhinav on Apr 07, 2008 05:32 PM Permalink
wrong Kaiser.......there r lot of religions..........but none of them r fighting among each other like islam is ..........islamists r fighting with the rest of the religions......all over......the world.
RE:Muslims will never love this country.........read this quote from an islamic website about nationalism..........and learn why,.........
by Kaiser Raja on Apr 07, 2008 05:47 PM Permalink
Tell you the truth. I stay in the middle east amonst thousands of muslims and mind you lots of Pakistanis also. Muslims are not fighting with anyone. This is politics between the west and the oil rich middle east which has started the terrorism. Innocent people like you and me are made to believe that muslims are waging a war against us. The strings are being pulled by someone else. I don't deny that there are no islamic terrorists but then there are many unseen and unidentified terrorists also.
RE:Muslims will never love this country.........read this quote from an islamic website about nationalism..........and learn why,.........
by Abhinav on Apr 07, 2008 05:52 PM Permalink
the problem is not with muslims Kaiser........the problem lies with islam.......it is this ideology which promotes ill will betwen human biengs by labelling them as kafirs.........by labellling lands as dar-ul-islam and dar-ul-harb.....
we cannot say that all germans r fascist by nature......but they followed a wrong philosophy which led to thier downfall....and made them do heinious things.......same is true for muslims......they r followng a wrong philosophy called islam
islam is nothing but fascism ...given (falsely) the sanction of god......
RE:Muslims will never love this country.........read this quote from an islamic website about nationalism..........and learn why,.........
by lakubo on Apr 07, 2008 05:18 PM Permalink
hahaha, hehehe, ohh ohh, hihihi...
RE:Muslims will never love this country.........read this quote from an islamic website about nationalism..........and learn why,.........
by lakubo on Apr 07, 2008 05:21 PM Permalink
more laughin, hahaha, hehehe, ohh ohh, hihihi... nice joky, hahaha, hehehe, ohh ohh, hihihi...
RE:Karna he jo karle congress
by Repotee on Apr 07, 2008 05:20 PM Permalink
Many elections has come & gone.
Call of the moment is to unite india. Clean "Desh Dhorohi", be careful with these people. who can destroy our unity.
They are still in goa,,,see how mafai is working there working with local people too..International mafia.....they have kill so many people but still you wound find any pholish records...
Gov has to keep vigil on such elements...many consulate are doing illigal things in our country.......Perticularly Mumbai Mantarlaya has to watch closely.
RE:Mumbai Blast of 1993.
by langra tayagi on Apr 07, 2008 05:14 PM Permalink
hi unke insaaf ka kya hoga ,jinka abhi tak case bhi register nahi hua hai ,unlogon ko hang kab kiya jayega ,jis ne gujraat riot main innocent logon ko maara ,bombay riot main innocent people ko mara ladies aur 8yrs ki ladki ke saath Ra-pe kiya mumbai bomb blast jisne kiya woh terorist aur jisne gujrat riot kiya woh mahatma kahan ka insaaf hai yeh 5000 log ko marne pe( gujrat aur bombay riot main) koi case bhi register nahi ,aur 250 logon ko marne pe 365 logon ko jail aur daith sentence ,kahan ka insaaf hai yeh
RE:Mumbai Blast of 1993.
by langra tayagi on Apr 07, 2008 05:15 PM Permalink
hi unke insaaf ka kya hoga ,jinka abhi tak case bhi register nahi hua hai ,unlogon ko hang kab kiya jayega ,jis ne gujraat riot main innocent logon ko maara ,bombay riot main innocent people ko mara ladies aur 8yrs ki ladki ke saath Ra-pe kiya mumbai bomb blast jisne kiya woh terorist aur jisne gujrat riot kiya woh mahatma kahan ka insaaf hai yeh 5000 log ko marne pe( gujrat aur bombay riot main) koi case bhi register nahi ,aur 250 logon ko marne pe 365 logon ko jail aur daith sentence ,kahan ka insaaf hai yeh
RE:Mumbai Blast of 1993.
by rajarshi banerjee on Apr 07, 2008 05:19 PM Permalink
5000 logon mein se kitne hindu maren aur kitne muslim maren jaara bataenge. Riots happen spontaneously, where as terror attacks are preplanned. And in riots every community suffers where as terror attacks are always targeted against the non muslims(read hindus). Don't compare apples and oranges U MORONIC FOOL!!
RE:RE:Mumbai Blast of 1993.
by Abhinav on Apr 07, 2008 05:17 PM Permalink
un logo ka kya hoga jinhone 56 log including 14 bachho ko jala diya.......????? woh tumhara congress muslim MLA Mr. Haji Blal......aur us ke sath 2000 muslims........jinhone yeh kiya tha......???