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bush praises Musharraf's role
by ashish kapadia on Oct 01, 2006 12:11 PM  Permalink 

US President George W Bush son statement about the role ofMusharraf in the ongoing "great personal risk". I think It is not more than Blackmaing by Musharraf to take some advantage from US. US also wants such type of leaders to follow him.

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bush praises Musharraf's role
by ashish kapadia on Oct 01, 2006 12:09 PM  Permalink 

US President George W Bush son statement about the role ofMusharraf in the ongoing "great personal risk". I think It is not more than Blackmaing by Musharraf to take some advantage from US. US also wants such type of leaders to follow him.

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The most amazing stupor ever expressed !!!
by chanakya on Sep 30, 2006 03:32 PM  Permalink 

by a president of the united states of america.

None of the alphabets justify capital letters.

The present occupant of the oval has dinished the decor of oval to a den of the drunkards.

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Master praises his student
by Hemanth R on Sep 30, 2006 07:58 AM  Permalink 

This is nothing new. Musharraf has always been a good student and he will be so until his master thinks so.

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Blanket for a bonafide terrorist-musharaff
by Jatin Patel on Sep 30, 2006 06:51 AM  Permalink 

Unless the mafia morons act to a war on pakistani terrorist activities, a security cover will be provided to dictators of pakistan.

Oooh...what a hard job mush is doing..staying the war on terror!! blasts after blasts..resuring taleban, agreement with tribals, aah it must be very hard. Can I ask for this labor intensive job prezident bush?

musharaff is the root of axis of evil between pakistan, saudi and china. proliferators, oil rich mullahs and ambitious zionists, what a combination, only can be endorsed by pentagon/CIA of only superpower USA.

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