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Resolve Palestinian issue to defeat Al Qaeda: Musharraf
by premanand on Sep 17, 2005 09:55 PM  Permalink 


Its easy to go by the statment the musharraf statement.He is blackmailing the world by saying resolve issues in palestinian and kashmir ,will stop supporting or involve in terrorism.

These statement or concerns have to noted by the world community.The world knows it but since people have their interest in countries like pakistian they r not bothered [specially contries like US]



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Musharraf getting more dangerous
by srinivas on Sep 17, 2005 09:38 PM  Permalink 

We can't believe Musharraf, as he is the guy who was part of the creation of Al-Qaeda and ISI involvment in Al-Qaeda activities. I think by making statements like resolution of Palestine & Kashmir, he is becoming more dangerous. One has to suspect Musharraf's intentions. He is a hard core extremist, who is forced to adapt the moderate path. I don't think his extremist heart will never compromise.

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Wily Musharaf
by Subbu on Sep 17, 2005 08:33 PM  Permalink 

This shows how wily this guy Musharaf is. He is trying to blackmail the world in a cunning fashion that is parallel to his goals of annexing Kashmir with Pakistan and letting Islamic terrorist organizations rule Palestine. Hey Musharaf, nobody in the world is so stupid to believe all that you say. Person who takes the sword will die only by sword and your death is only in the hands of the same terrorists you once nurtured.

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