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by Kaushik Das on Apr 22, 2006 09:39 PM  Permalink 

Well, i wouldn't mind a hug in public, or a peck on the cheek. It's fine with me. But a lip-kiss or smooch? it may be entertaining but i personally would like to keep it to a more private place since it is a private and intimate feeling being expressed.

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to kiss or not to kiss
by deepak on Apr 22, 2006 08:11 PM  Permalink 

hi to all , a kiss is a very special way to express your love and your feelings but it is not necessary to show your feelings to all. to kiss or to be kissed is a special feeling and it should be exposed to all

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i luv my govt
by serial kisser on Apr 22, 2006 08:08 PM  Permalink 

thanqu for such a great law which will increase the crime on woman and man both left unsatisfied du to great politician of our country . i would like if u cant kiss u always misss.

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get a room
by motoko on Apr 22, 2006 08:07 PM  Permalink 

kissing in public places can bring un wanted attention, like the police beggars and eve teasers.so according to me kissing in public places should be banned and couples should get a room.

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this policy is not viable
by avinash vishwakrma on Apr 22, 2006 07:42 PM  Permalink 

Today there is so much trouble in the india.Daily life is a nightmare for most of us.Many indians lack viable means for recreation.But exchanging pleasantries with opposite sex is quite a viable option for all.At least this will calm their senses so that they don't resort to anti-social behaviour.Most of the evils ( AIDS,RAPE,crime against women) of indian society are due to the lack of option that will calm their senses. If only our lawmakers understand the need of the hour and stop interfering in personal lives of others and concentrate on other problems of our country our problems will get more complicated.

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kiss ban, kiss boon
by Joseph on Apr 22, 2006 06:43 PM  Permalink 

Delhi government's decision to up the penalty for lip-locking is a bad thing for the ready to lock ones and a good one for the on the brink to lock ones.

The govt has blown off the ashes on the embers. Naturally, there would be some burning now, but the ember would die out fast.

Look at the dance bar ban. Look at the smoking ban, gutka ban, terrorist ban.... Ban it and it will flourish.

So need not get dispirited. Since kiss in public places is banned (it happened only behind the shrubs and bunyan trees - public place!) slowly the banned stuff will flow to the streets. then no enforcement body would have time to look behind the shrubs and trees.


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hey...man.....pls...no...no..no. Rs.500 is too high !!!
by DX on Apr 22, 2006 06:39 PM  Permalink 

hey, wts with this politics guys. is the state running, so out of petty cash or "chai-paani" as we say, that they are cashing on the kissing couples.

but then pls state us that which type of kissi'n are u not oblighed with...GET a big banner with the types of kisses and the prices below.

am a poor guy so give me your best rates. I can kiss my gf, but rs.500 is too much man....get a cheaper quotation..!!!! please...

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To kiss or not to kiss
by Narayanan on Apr 22, 2006 05:51 PM  Permalink 

Let the police first chase the rapeist, killers, rowdy's, pickpocketers, thiefs...

chasing behind couples, is not going to be useful for the country....

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its justified
by viraj on Apr 22, 2006 05:38 PM  Permalink 

people should be stopped from getting intimate in public over a certian extent. today they are just kissing,tomorrow they will start spanking and whippin asses. all age groups are around in public places and things should be kept under control.

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